Framed: Part II

After a humiliating walk through the halls of the police station, Perera’s clothes were taken for testing. He sat in waiting for the results in the Interrogation Room. Officers Jerome and Mahone watched him through the one-way mirror in the adjacent room. Perera was sweating; he looked nervous. Every now and then, he looked at the glass, knowing he was being watched. “He’s looking more and more guilty by the minute,” Jerome said. The results arrived a little while later, and the two officers walked into the Interrogation Room with the files in their hands, making Perera visibly even more nervous. “So, what’re the results, guys?” “The blood’s Helena’s, George,” Mahone said. “Things are looking more and more bad for you,” Jerrome said. “That’s impossible!” “Stop playing games and tell us where the body is, George,” Mahone said. “I didn’t kill my wife! Why don’t you believe me?” “Because you're lying, as usual!” “I’m no criminal!” “But you did regularly beat your wife, am I right?” ...