
Showing posts from April, 2020

Descending Shadows: A Relentless Foe

“Just what are they?” Leslie asked, standing motionless in shock. “I have no idea, but we need to leave!” I yelled. A group of giant monsters approached us. They were each two-headed, with six arms. We scurried away in fear, but the monsters caught up with us. One of them grabbed one of us, forcing me to draw out my sword. I sliced off two of its arms in one stroke, but to my astonishment, they grew back. “What the hell?” I yelled. There was no escaping them at the time. Those of us with weapons met the monsters in battle. But frustration was not far behind, for we grew weary of their regenerative abilities. I even decollated one monster, but both its heads slowly slithered to its body and reattached themselves. Defeating them was a task that seemed impossible. Never had I been that daunted. “This is ridiculous! We need to get out of here!” Nolan said. “Arabella, can you teleport us?” Leslie asked. “Not yet. I need to regain my strength before perfor

Descending Shadows: Breakout

They broke down the cabin doors and came at us, wielding swords while cursing us and calling us “witches” and “devil worshippers”. “What do we do now?” Leslie asked. “We’ll have to stay calm for now. We’ll find a way out of this,” I replied. They bound us and took us back to the village. One of them left to alert the king, while the others locked us in a dungeon. One man remained to guard us while the others left. “There will be no more resurrections this time. We’ll make sure to rid your ashes to the sea,” he said. “If we were truly witches or devil worshippers, don’t you think we would’ve used our powers to harm you and get away, already?” I asked. The man frowned and scratched his head. “I don’t know… But one thing’s for sure, that woman right there is Christina. We already burnt her at the stake and here she is with you lot. And what’s similarly bizarre is your attire.” “You’re wasting your breath, Moon. They’re all savages and dimwits,” said Arabel


My children's stories have been chosen by literary consultant Naomi Robertson  from The Word Count to be read during story time during quarantine on April 11th at 1.00 pm. The link is below.

Descending Shadows: Dead End

Brandishing their swords, the villagers chased after us, cursing aloud: “Get those witches! Don’t let them escape!” Not long after, we came across an abandoned house and decided to hide in it. “Back in our timeline, we took down Serpians, but now we run away from a mob of villagers?” Nolan asked. “This is different, Nolan. Those were demons, these are people. Right now, we’re no more to them than what the Serpians were to us,” I replied. “She’s right, bro. They can’t comprehend our situation. Hurting them would make us no different from the demons we swore vengeance on,” Leslie said. “Be that as it may, they’re not going to stop until we’re dead. It’s either us or them at this point,” Nolan said. “He’s right. They’re nothing more than mindless murderers, and they’ve slaughtered so many of my innocent ancestors. This is my chance to wreak vengeance upon them,” Arabella said. Her face was seething; her eyes grew cold with hatred. “Arabella, no! Thes