Descending Shadows: Breakout

They broke down the cabin doors and came at us, wielding swords while cursing us and calling us “witches” and “devil worshippers”.

“What do we do now?” Leslie asked.

“We’ll have to stay calm for now. We’ll find a way out of this,” I replied.

They bound us and took us back to the village. One of them left to alert the king, while the others locked us in a dungeon. One man remained to guard us while the others left.

“There will be no more resurrections this time. We’ll make sure to rid your ashes to the sea,” he said.

“If we were truly witches or devil worshippers, don’t you think we would’ve used our powers to harm you and get away, already?” I asked.

The man frowned and scratched his head. “I don’t know… But one thing’s for sure, that woman right there is Christina. We already burnt her at the stake and here she is with you lot. And what’s similarly bizarre is your attire.”

“You’re wasting your breath, Moon. They’re all savages and dimwits,” said Arabella.

“There it is! No woman ever speaks in such a manner. Only witches talk like that!”

“Oh, so you’re implying that women are bound to be slaves to men; and that those who oppose are witches? Perhaps this misogyny was tolerated in this timeline, but from the time we’re from, women have the freedom to speak their minds!”

“What? Timeline? What nonsense are you talking about? You may have fooled me before, but it won’t happen again.”

“Oh, and how is it that I fooled you?”

“Oh, you don’t remember, do you? You tricked me into thinking that you love me, but then turned me down saying you were in love with my brother. And when I slew my brother to win your heart, you still turned me away!”

“What?” a voice came from behind him. “You killed Nathaniel? You said the witch killed her with her magic!”

The man had not realised that he had just confessed to murder in front of one of his peers.

“Was the woman at least a witch, Norman?”

“Of course, she was! You see her before us right now!”

“Perhaps so, but you must stand trial, too, now that the truth is out.”

“I don’t think so, Ethan,” he said, drawing out his sword.

Norman swung his sword, but Ethan dodged it and severed the former’s hand. Norman screamed in agony as he fell to the ground. He was soon taken away to the hospital. Everyone’s attention was shifted to the new development, I spoke to the others about devising a plan to escape.

“I might be able to teleport us away from here,” Arabella said.

“You can? Why didn’t you mention this before?” Nolan asked.

“It was still exhausted after reverting back to myself from my Serpian form. I needed time to gather energy.”

“Okay, then let’s give it a try,” I said.

Arabella asked everyone to hold hands before beginning to chant. Before long, we were away from the village.

“Finally! We’re away from those maniacs,” Nolan said, sighing in relief.

“Yes, but I wonder where we are now. Do you have any idea, Arabella?” I asked.

“Wait, there are some people headed our way,” Leslie said.

“Those aren’t people, sis…” Nolan said.


  1. Very vivid writing style! I love a piece of fiction with lots of dialogue, it makes it easier to read and you feel more in the moment.

  2. Great twist, realistic dialogue, suspense. Nice how it ended. I simply loved it.


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