
Showing posts from March, 2020

Descending Shadows: The Witch-Hunt

“What's happening? Where are we?” Leslie asked. Everyone was confused, and the children were crying. It was an open area surrounded by trees. It looked like a park, but there were no benches. Jason was amazed by the change in scenery. “This is awesome,” he said. “Come here,” I said, grabbing his hand; I didn’t want him wandering off in this strange land. I thought it was all over when we killed the Serpians and brought Leslie and Arabella back home, but it was merely wishful thinking. “You seem so calm, Moon. Do you know where we are?” Officer Keith asked. “No, I don't. I’m just remaining calm because someone has to; freaking out will get us nowhere,” I replied. “I don’t think we’re on earth, but I can be sure that we’re not in the Serpian World.” “Moon, what’s happening?” Leslie asked as she approached me with Nolan. “I don’t know, but we should ask Arabella.” We turned to Arabella, and found her sitting on the floor with her hands

Descending Shadows: A Short Victory

We rushed over to find out that the police officers had already turned into Serpians. They had broken loose and were attacking the two people who were watching them. We snuck up from behind and injected them with the antidote immediately. They then turned around, trying to slash us with their claws, but we quickly stepped back, avoiding them. The Serpians tried to attack us once more, but fell to their knees in agony as the drug took effect. But that wasn’t all; our two watchmen were also beginning to feel pain. “Hurry up, Nolan!” I said as I cut open their wounds to let the venom out. Not wanting to waste any time, we made them swallow the antidote. They passed out, cursing under their breaths, more about how bad the potion tasted than the wounds inflicted by the Serpians. Nolan and I then walked over to the cops, who were just beginning to open their eyes. “Sorry we attacked you, and thanks for saving our lives. We owe you a big debt,” officer Mahone said.

Descending Shadows: Hard Choices

“Wait, Leslie, I’m your brother!” “They don't understand us, Nolan! Let's get out of here!” “No, I can't leave her—I won’t!” “Come on, Nolan. We won’t stand a chance at saving them without the antidote.” We retreated and, eventually, they lost our trail. I was thankful for that; we would have no choice but to kill them if they were to corner us. If they did, too much would have been at stake for us to show them any leniency… Even if it killed us inside to do it. As we entered my house, Jason rushed towards me with open arms. “Moon, you're back! Where have you been? I thought you were dead!” he cried. “Come on, champ, we weren't gone for that long,” I said, hugging him tightly. He looked at me confused. “What do you mean, ‘not that long’? It has been over a year.” “What? That’s impossible,” I replied. “It isn’t, really,” said one of the teachers as she walked in with a toddler in her arms. “Do you two remember baby J