Spirits of Chaos

Growing up, I always felt as if I were being followed, even when I was all alone. I spoke to my mom about it once, but she brushed it off as me being paranoid. She was always dismissive. When I reached my teen years, the voices grew more incessant. One day, I locked myself in my room and called out to whoever was there. “Over here,” one voice said. I turned to my left and found an odd figure. They were nearly shapeless: a mere undulating mass of smoke that barely held a humanoid form. “What are you?” I asked. “She’s a spirit of discord,” another voice said. I turned to my right and found another figure before me. “If anyone’s a spirit of discord, it’d be her,” the first voice said. “My name’s Ryzele, and that is Grinnyr.” “I am a guiding spirit, but she is a trickster,” Grinnyr said. “You liar!” Ryzele said. The two spirits began to argue. I asked them to shut up and stormed out of the room. Their arguing became a recurring event of my daily life. Throughout highschool and even into my...