A Siege Through Time

After a stressful day at work, I decided to take a bath. I closed my eyes and may have dozed off, as I woke up coughing and feeling breathless. The water was over my head. What the hell is happening? I got to my feet and tried to get out of the tub, but I ended up falling again. The water was too high. I couldn’t understand what was happening. I decided to swim outside, but the door was locked. With much struggle, I managed to open the door, but I found that my entire house was flooded. But then I realised something strange—this wasn’t my house. How can this be? I just — I turned around to find my bathroom door gone. And it seemed that I had somehow found myself in a castle. Was I dreaming? Hallucinating? I pinched myself. No, it was all real. “Do not fear. You are not losing your mind.” There was a voice behind me. “Who’s there?” I turned around and found a woman swimming towards me. “I’m Princess Austra, your ancestor,” she replied. “What are you talking about?” “You’ve travelled bac...