The Ocean Spirit

I grew up by the sea and spent most of my weekends with my parents at the beach. We would always watch the sun sink into the fiery horizon, and I would take in the scent and the tenderness of the sea breeze as I watched the giant waves swallow the shore and crash into the nearby rocks. It was a tranquility that no amount of words could ever describe. I continued my family’s tradition even after my parents were gone, visiting the beach whenever I was free on weekend evenings. Five years had passed since they were taken from me in a car crash, but their memory still lived on both in me and at this beach. I often worked on paintings by the beach as well; it was the only way I knew to express the feelings locked deep within me every time I was there. My husband Ben would sometimes join me, but he was often impatient and would sometimes break my concentration. We were seated on a rock while I painted one day when his impatience began to test my limits. I needed hours to focus on my work, so...