A Dragon's Reunion

Ever since I was a little girl, I had been fascinated by dragons. Every Christmas, I would wish for a dragon, only to be disappointed the next morning. One year, I got a puppy, and the next, I got a kitten; and although I was happy to receive them, I still longed, more than anything, to meet a dragon. Now as an adult, although I recognised that dragons weren’t real, my fascination with the myths that surround them still remained unchanged. I even had recurring dreams where I turned into a dragon. When I brought it up to my brother, he laughed and called me weird for being so engulfed in fantasy stories. I hated him for it. If I had the chance, I would have sold my soul to become a dragon. It was an odd thought to have, but my interest in dragons was just that intense. It was an indescribable feeling. One night, as I drifted off to sleep, I heard a voice in my head. “Do you want to know the secrets of the dragons?” it said. “Yes,” I replied. “Then open your eyes.” I suddenly woke up to ...