
I never had a normal childhood growing up. In addition to being homeschooled, my parents never let me make friends or go anywhere alone—and this only worsened over time. By the time I was a teenager, they were hovering over me all the time, even when we were out together shopping for groceries or clothes. I asked them when I was much younger why they were treating me like a prisoner and they said that I was haemophilic. They said I nearly died when I was three, so they wouldn’t leave my safety to chance. I understood their concern, but I still longed for my freedom; were they to surveil me my entire life? We were shopping one day when I stopped to pet a puppy. My mother immediately pulled me away from it and told me never to do that again. I knew how concerned they were, but to call that an overreaction was an understatement. I wondered just how bad my previous injury was to make them so paranoid. Similar incidents happened in the coming months, with my parents pulling me away from pla...