
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Forgotten Home

I had loved the woods for as long as I could remember. Even as a child, I would often wander off into the forest against my mother’s wishes until she rushed in yelling to drag me back. The deep sea of trees, and the stillness surrounding it, bore an allure unlike any other. I would often visit the remnants of a forgotten village and wonder about the memories of the people who once resided there. Now, at the age of thirty, I was delving deeper into the forest’s wonder, exploring further than I ever had when I was young. It was the only thing that brought me comfort as my days slowly decayed with sickness. Similar to my mother, who died at the same age, I, too, was nearing the end of my life. Soon, I was also to be no different than those whose time had passed in that abandoned place. One day, I decided to leave my home and take refuge in the ruins within the forest. My body was weakening by the day and I couldn’t bear to see the husk of who I once was whenever I looked in the mirror. An

The Buried Truth

Three years had dissolved since my husband passed away. Working late on murder cases kept my mind busy, but whenever I was home, the emptiness that surrounded me was deafening. We had been together for twenty years when Jeff died of cancer. My best friend, Aria, suggested that I download a dating app. I was reluctant at first, but with much persuasion, I finally caved in. I matched with a guy called Rick within a week and we decided to have a double date with Aria and her husband. That first date went smoothly and, a few days later, Rick asked if I would like to go on a second date two weeks from then. I agreed. Rick and I dated for another couple of months before he asked me to move in with him. His house was in the suburbs, surrounded by trees and a lake. It was so gorgeous and serene there, but I had to decline due to my work. Instead, I asked him to move in with me. He agreed without any hesitation, saying he’d keep his house strictly for his writing since the surroundings provided

The Guardian Claw

“Not again, Kit!” I moved my cat away from the shattered remains of the cup of tea I had left on my desk a minute ago. My husband, Bruce, stepped in asking what had happened and sighed at the sight of the tea staining the carpet. “Come on, let’s get you out of here,” he said, grabbing Kit and leaving for the living room. I cleaned the mess wondering what had gotten into my cat during the past couple of days. It was the second time he had done this; it was a new habit he had picked up out of nowhere. I wanted to check with my friend Abby about it since she was a vet, but that needed to wait another day until the weekend arrived. Bruce insisted he make me another cup of tea before I left, but I was already running late for my meeting, so I declined. That night, I came back home to find Kit at the door, as usual, to greet me. “Come here, you little troublemaker,” I said, bending down and holding out my arms to let him hop in for a warm hug. I lifted him up and petted him. His purrs were a

The Outcast

Twenty years had passed since I slipped into the mortal realm and was reborn as a new person. My tortured past was behind me, but I still remembered every waking minute of it: being imprisoned in the lightless prison of heaven for aeons, I had lost all sense of self and time, but now on Earth, I could live under heaven’s radar until I found my way to another realm. Lucifer would have been the best person to turn to, but it was a risk I couldn’t take just yet. One night, I was walking home after an outing with my best friend when three men cornered me on an empty street. They were armed, so I couldn’t hold back when one of them pulled out a gun. I tapped into a small portion of my powers to disarm the man but broke his arm in the process—all in a fraction of a second. Rage took over me. I struck the other two with my fists, sending them hurtling across the street. I fled the scene at once, seeing how I had overused my powers after suppressing them for so long. I put the news on an hour