The Demon Storm

“Three chips, seriously? I will have to put a magnetic field around my food to keep you people off it.”

“Suspicious much? You need to keep your food away from the cat’s reach.”

“I know you ate them.”

Rhiannon stared at me and started speaking in her flowery language; I felt rather uncouth. I opened my mouth to tell her off, but I was cut off by Principal Michaels.

“Stop arguing and pay attention! School is closed; you girls have to leave right away.”

“What? School just reopened; how can you close it?”

“Andrea, we have no choice.”

“What do you mean?”

“Zoldrahn and his demons are coming for us; I can't afford to have you here during the battle.”

“But we can help.”

The only way you can help is by staying safe. Now go, all of you! That’s an order!”

I couldn't leave knowing the situation, so I snuck out from the line for the bus; but I wasn't the only one. Rhiannon had snuck out, too. We went back into the school while everyone was busy fueling up for the battle. We got to the library and took a spellbook, as well as one on Zoldrahn. We soon found out that Gallium weakened him. Rhiannon and I collected all of it we could find in the school laboratory and put them in two bottles. We then combined several spells together to form a new, more potent one, and infused it with the Gallium we had.

Moments later, the ground began to shake, while the walls began to crack. Teachers were yelling and screaming from other halls. We quickly rushed over to the battlefield to find them being overpowered by the demons of Zoldrahn. Three of our teachers were already down; we knew not if they were unconscious or dead. Our teachers held their ground, but the demons kept coming—their numbers were too great. One by one, the people around us began to falter and fall. Their screams were unbearable to hear. The way things were going, we stood no chance unless there was an opening to take down Zoldrahn himself.

He appeared out of black smoke in the opposite corner ahead of us and walked into the hallway next to it. Rhiannon and I exchanged looks and sprinted in his direction. We sneaked past the demonic horde as they battled our teachers only to find Zoldrahn choking Principal Michaels. He got distracted by us for a second, and Principal Michaels used the opening to volley him across the hall.

Rhiannon and I tried throwing the Gallium bottles on him, but Zoldrahn forced them out of our hands. The bottles were in the air; we thought all hope was lost, but Principal Michaels teleported and caught them. Rhiannon and I quickly bound Zoldrahn where he stood with our magic and Principal Michaels appeared before Zoldrahn and broke the battles on his head. The contents seeped into his skin and turned him to ash. The nightmare was finally over.


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