The Fallen: Waking the Dormant


I was nearing the state line in my car when a bright light fell from the sky and onto a field. I stopped my car off the road and wondered whether it was a meteorite. I called the cops and walked towards the site, but what I found was something I did not expect: there was a man in the middle of the crater.

Had he fallen from the sky? He looked human, although his clothes were unlike anything I had ever seen.. What was even more intriguing was that he appeared to be unscathed; not even his clothes were either torn or burnt. I was hesitant to take a step forward, but then the man woke up. He saw me and crawled back, looking around with his eyes agape and his hands quivering.

“Where am... Wait, who am I?” he asked.

My suspicions were confirmed. He was an alien. “I think you’re an alien. You fell from the skies. As for where you are, this is Earth. Do you really not remember anything at all?”

The man shook his head; his breathing grew heavier as he looked at his hands. He laid against the crater wall and took a few minutes to calm down. I sat a safe distance away from him, but it seemed like he was the one who was more scared.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“It’s Avril.”

“How did you find me?”

“I was on my way to see my mom when I saw you fall.”

We were interrupted by the cops a few minutes later. They took him into custody and, just a day later, the media made him a celebrity. Conspiracy theorists yelled on the road that aliens were infiltrating our planet, while religious fanatics believed he was the second coming of Christ. It was a circus.

That night, I had a confusing dream. I saw the alien falling from the sky and hitting the ground, but there was a voice in the air, and it spoke to me: “He’s not an alien, he’s the archangel Remiel. Find him; he needs your help.”

I woke up immediately and couldn’t fall asleep afterwards. Was I going crazy or was there a truth to what the voice was saying? I saw a man fall from the sky and come out unscathed just two days before; anything seemed possible at that point. I did some digging and found out from a journalist friend of mine that he had been handed over to the army. However, there were no reports as to where they were taking him. It was a dead end.

That night, the voice came to me again when I was asleep. Only that time, I saw what looked like an army base. “This is where they’re holding him. Be there tomorrow evening by 4:30 p.m., and you’ll be able to free him from their experiments,” it said.

“Wait, who are you?”

“My name’s not important right now; all that matters is freeing Remiel, and you’re the only one who can save him. I know this doesn’t make any sense, but once he’s safe, I’ll answer all your questions.”
I hesitated for a moment. I didn’t know if I could trust the voice so easily, but my instincts said it meant no harm. “Okay, but how do I save him?”

“You just have to make contact with him. Once Remiel remembers who he is, he’ll be able to break you out of there.”

I had no idea what I was being thrown into, but I decided to trust the voice. I found the location on the map and made my way there on time. Just a mile from the base, my car suddenly turned into an SUV, and my regular clothes changed into a suit. I looked at myself in the rearview mirror and was so shocked that I hit the brakes immediately. I was a man, and not just any man—I was the Minister of Defence. Whoever, or rather whatever the voice was, they were aiding me somehow. I was even more surprised to know that I even knew everything he did.

I infiltrated the base with ease and asked them to lead me to Remiel, or ‘AL-1’, as they had labelled him. I was led to an underground chamber, in which his cell was placed. There was a keypad on the wall next to his cell door, and I knew the code to it. I asked the military personnel to leave me alone with him, and they complied. Once they were out, I locked the door and walked over to Remiel.

“What do you want?”

“I know this is confusing, but I’m Avril.”

“You think I’m that stupid?”

“I was on my way to my mom’s when you fell.”

“Wait, how are you doing this?”

“Someone led me here to you; they wanted me to help you break free.”


“I don’t know. It spoke to me in my dreams, but I never saw a face. It said you’re the archangel Remiel. In any case, let’s just get you out of here first.”

I walked over to the keypad and typed in the code. The cell door slid to the right and Remiel walked out slowly. A hint of caution was still in his gait.

“So, how do we get out of here?”

“The voice said if I made contact with you, you’d be able to break us out of here.”

“But you already did.”

“I know, but—”

I wondered whether the voice meant it literally. I grabbed Remiel’s hand and, the second he widened his eyes in surprise, a white light shone through them. A sudden surge of energy pulsed out of his body and hit the metal walls, ringing them while rattling the earth around it.

“I remember now,” he said, and in seconds, we were outdoors, in a field I had not seen before.
“Glad you made it, Remiel, Avril,” a voice rose from behind us. It was the same one from my dreams.
We turned around and found a shadowy energy before us, as if black fire were floating in the air.
“Raguel, is that you?” Remiel asked.

“Yes, I’ll be limited to this form for now. I didn’t have enough power to contact you directly; I had to do it through the nephilim.”

“Wait, the what?” I asked.

Remiel turned around to me. “There’s a reason why Raguel chose you of all people to save me. It’s because the energy of an archangel is dormant within you—that of the same one who’s hunting us right now.”

To be continued...


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