Descending Shadows: Fighting the Nightmare

“Moon, wake up! Please, wake up! We need you, your brother needs you!” Leslie kept screaming. I slowly opened my eyes: my vision was blurry, but I could recognise Leslie over me. “Oh, thank God you're okay. I thought for a moment there that I lost you,” she said, hugging me. I didn't say a word, or rather, I couldn’t. I was still recovering from the Serpian attack, as well as the dream about my parents...if it was even a dream. I didn’t know anymore. Reality was turned upside down when these demons invaded us. I wished I could stay with them, but I knew my true place was here, with my brother, with my friends. I needed to protect them...and my city. “You’ll be alright soon, Moon. Don’t you worry, I’ll get you home.” “Thanks, Leslie.” “Don’t mention it. Now, let’s get you up,” she said, lifting me to my feet. We walked home without running into any more trouble. As we entered the house, Jason saw me and rushed over. “Moon, are you hurt? What ha...