Descending Shadows: The Hunt

The battle was far from over. I noticed more demons coming my way. I was outnumbered, but nothing would keep me from standing my ground—there was no way I would let those monsters get to my little brother.

I ran out of the welfare centre and locked its doors. There were six of them, so I knew I didn’t stand a chance fighting them with a sword by myself, but their strength in numbers was contradicted by their formation. They were so close together that I was able to slay them all in an instant with one of my Zavaryan salt hand-grenades.

“Birds of a feather burn together,” I said, scoffing at the bloody mess before me.

I piled the carcasses in the nearest alley and set them ablaze. The fumes of these vile creatures burning would be nauseating to anyone else, but for those of us who've learnt to hunt them, it has become just an everyday smell. How many had I killed so far? Fifty, a hundred? I had lost count. So much had changed in just six months…

I went back inside the welfare centre and called out to Jason and everyone else inside.

“Moon, you’re okay!” Jason shouted as he came running towards me. I hugged him tightly.

“Of course I am! You think those monsters can take me down?” I said, laughing, “Besides, I promised you I’d return, didn’t I?”

I told everyone at the centre to stay away from the windows and stay hidden until I got back. Their location was compromised, so they’d have to be moved quickly.

I then took Jason home with me. I needed to discuss with Leslie and Nolan about where to move them next. When we arrived there, Leslie stared at my clothes.

“Did you go up against more Serpians out there?” she asked.

“Yeah, I did. They ambushed us at the welfare centre, but I blew them all up,” I replied.

“We’ll have to make more of those grenades. They’re beginning to hunt in packs now,” Nolan said.

“Yes, and the welfare centre is compromised now. Any ideas on where to move them to next?” I asked.

“I’m not quite sure. We don’t have many secluded locations left to hide them in,” Nolan said.

“What about here?” Leslie asked.

“Yes, that would be best,” I said, “I just hope they all would agree.”

“I’m sure they will,” Leslie replied.

“And it’s a good thing I have a panic room,” I said.

“Wait, what? Since when?” Nolan asked.

“I had forgotten about it until a couple of weeks ago, actually,” I said, “And we never really used it before.”

“Well, I’m glad you remembered,” Leslie replied.

“We should go home, sis,” Nolan said, turning to Leslie.

“Why don't you two stay the night here? It’s already getting late, and only one of you is fit enough to fight right now,” I said.

“Thank you, Moon. Sure, we’ll stay,” Leslie replied.

“Okay, but if we’re going to stay, I’m going to need some ice cream,” Nolan said.

“Of course you big baby,” Leslie said, chuckling.

“What about me? I’m a baby, too!” Jason said, making us all laugh.

As Jason ran to the fridge, I called the welfare centre and spoke to Cindy de Silva about moving everyone to my house. She said she’d discuss it with the others and let me know. Most of the other children taking refuge there were orphans. Very few still had at least one of their parents still around.

A few minutes passed and the phone rang, but it wasn’t good news that I heard.

“They’re here and they’re trying to get in! Please hurry!” Cindy shouted before hanging up abruptly.

I quickly grabbed my gear and, right then, Jason walked in.

“You're going again, aren't you? Please don't go, Moon!” he cried, hugging me.

“What’s going on here?” Leslie asked, walking in.

“The centre’s under attack. I have to go,” I said.

“You’re not going there alone,” she replied.

“No, it’s best you stay here with Nolan,” I said.

“No, Moon, take Leslie with you. I’ll stay here with Jason in the panic room,” Nolan said.

“Alright. Jason, lead him to the panic room and stay inside there till we get back, okay?” I said.

“Yes, Moon,” he replied with sad eyes.

“Be careful, the both of you,” I said before planting a kiss on Jason’s forehead.

“What about me?” Nolan asked.

“You wish,” I said, chuckling as I walked away. Leslie rolled her eyes so much it made me laugh even more.

When we arrived at the centre, the monsters had already broken down the door and got inside.

“Over here, freaks!” I yelled, drawing their attention.

There were ten of them this time, and they spread out more before attacking us. We were able to use a couple of grenades and halve their numbers, but the rest we had to battle with our swords. It was fierce, but Leslie and I worked well as a team. We were able to take them down one by one, slicing open their ankles and shoulders before beheading them. The last one we hewed together, head and torso, while drenched in their blood. 

After torching the demons’ remains, we asked the people there if they had made up their minds, and they all agreed the centre wasn’t safe anymore.

“Okay, then, let's go! Grab just your essentials and come with us!” I said.

But it seemed the night was still young for the hunt as I heard more growls rising from afar.


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