Descending Shadows: Fighting the Nightmare

“Moon, wake up! Please, wake up! We need you, your brother needs you!” Leslie kept screaming.

I slowly opened my eyes: my vision was blurry, but I could recognise Leslie over me.

“Oh, thank God you're okay. I thought for a moment there that I lost you,” she said, hugging me.

I didn't say a word, or rather, I couldn’t. I was still recovering from the Serpian attack, as well as the dream about my parents...if it was even a dream. I didn’t know anymore. Reality was turned upside down when these demons invaded us. I wished I could stay with them, but I knew my true place was here, with my brother, with my friends. I needed to protect them...and my city.

“You’ll be alright soon, Moon. Don’t you worry, I’ll get you home.”

“Thanks, Leslie.”

“Don’t mention it. Now, let’s get you up,” she said, lifting me to my feet.

We walked home without running into any more trouble. As we entered the house, Jason saw me and rushed over. “Moon, are you hurt? What happened?”

“Don’t worry, bro; I’m alright. It’s going to take more than just a few demons to kill me,” I replied.

“Yeah, your sister’s strong. They’re no match for her,” Leslie said, smiling.

She then told Jason to watch over me while she prepared some food for everyone. He sat next to me and held my hand. It didn’t take him long to fall asleep, but it didn’t take him long to wake up either; Jason woke up from a nightmare, screaming and hugging me.

“Hey, what’s wrong, buddy?”

“I saw you die, Moon.”

“It’s just a nightmare, Jason. I have them, too… We all do. But we’ll keep fighting. We’ll fight till those monsters are all gone—until there are no more nightmares to wake us up at night. I promise,” I said, stroking his head. He smiled and went back to sleep, this time without any disturbance.

“Can we come in?” came a voice from near the door. I looked up; it was some of the teachers and children from the welfare centre.

“Sure, come in.”

“Moon, we want to thank you for your help and generosity. You not only saved us, but opened your home to us as well,” Cindy said.

“Oh think nothing of it; it's our duty. If we don't help each other, who will? My Friend Leslie will take care of your food and lodging as I am unable to move around at the moment. But I will be okay by tomorrow morning, hopefully.”

“No, no, you should rest for a few days. You're in no shape to be hunting demons,” Cindy said.

I said nothing...just smiled. She didn't fully understand the situation at hand. There was no choice in the matter, for me or any other hunter. If we didn’t fight, we’d be hunted down and killed.

“You should get some rest. Don’t worry about us,” Cindy said, leaving with the rest.

A few minutes later, Nolan walked in and sat next to me. “Seriously, Moon, are you jealous of me?”

I was confused at his weird and sudden accusation. “Jealous? What do you mean I’m jealous?”

“I get injured in battle this afternoon and not long after, you come here with an even bigger injury? Are you trying to outshine me?” he said, smiling.

“Oh, yes, sure: I want to outshine someone at being an idiot,” I joked.

“Well, it cannot be helped; I’m faster and better at hunting—and not to mention, better looking.”

“Better than an ape, maybe,” I said, making him laugh.

“What’s going on in here?” Leslie asked, walking in with a plateful.

“We’re hungry is what’s going on. Where’s my food?” Nolan asked.

“Go back to your own room without bothering her and I’ll bring you yours.”

“Grumpy much?” he asked.

“Maybe you should go get it yourself if you’re able to walk and talk.”

“Fine, fine, I’m leaving.”

“Sorry if he’s too annoying,” Leslie said after he left.

“No, it’s fine. He’s just a little you,” I said, making her laugh.

“Yeah, and that would make you insane,” she replied.

Right then, I heard a loud rapping at the front door. I could hear the children begin to yell, “The demons are back!”


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