Descending Shadows: Invasion

“What? Demons again?” I asked, getting to my feet.

“Moon, you’re in no condition to fight any demons!” Leslie said.

“It’s just a group of people looking for shelter,” Nolan said as he walked in.

“Oh, alright,” I said, getting back in bed. Leslie let out a sigh and sat next to me. “Here have your dinner, and call me if you need anything.”

After she left the room, I sighed and looked at the food laying in front of me. I wasn't  hungry. My mind wandered off to what happened during my last battle; I wished I could have gone with my parents. But they were right: I am needed here, and I can't abandon my brother and my friends when they need me the most.

I managed to force some food down my throat before Leslie came back to complain: “Why haven't you eaten your food, Moon?”

“I ate as much as I could, but I’m not that hungry.”

“Fine,” Leslie replied. She took the tray away and came back with a bowl of ice cream and a piece of cake covered in chocolate sauce. “I’m sure you won't find it difficult to eat this.”

I smiled and dug into it, but right then there was a loud noise outside. “I’ll check it out,” Leslie said.

“Serpians! Everyone into the panic room!” she yelled before coming to get me.

“Wait, I have an idea! Get the others into the panic room, and meet me in the hall,” I said.

“I told you: you’re not fighting them now!”

“I’m not going to fight them; I’m just going to set a trap.”

While Leslie led the others into the panic room, I checked the trap that I had set up after my parents were killed. So far, I have never had to use it. I stood by the hallway adjacent to the living room, waiting for the monsters to break in; and when they broke through the front door, I pulled a lever by the book rack, which unleashed a rain of Zavaryan salt from the ceiling.

The Serpians screamed in agony as they melted away into nothingness. Leslie rushed over, only to find the problem already taken care of. She didn’t say a word, but crossed her arms and stared at me.

“What? I had a trap set up.” I tried to muffle my laughter, which I couldn't. 

“I’ll clean up the mess; you go rest,” she said, smiling.

Leslie made sure Nolan and I got rest, while she worked with the others to fix the door. I told them to mix some of the Zavaryan Salt with the paint and varnish for the walls and doors. It wouldn’t be lethal, but at least it’d keep them away. They also reset the salt trap.

Sleep didn’t come easy as I kept seeing my parents every time I closed my eyes; but, when I did finally fall into slumber, I was awakened once again by screams.

“No, no…” said Leslie as she crawled back from a Serpian.

“Hey, over here!” I yelled, drawing my sword.

“Look at me you filthy monster, why don’t you come get me,” I said  as I raised my sword to chop its hands off but when it turned towards me, what I saw was  not What I expected. Shocked I dropped my sword.


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