Darkness Awaits

“No, I won’t let you destroy the town,” a woman said as she stared at the man before her.

“You can’t stop me, Helena,” the man replied. As he did, a sudden explosion reverberated in the distance.

“No!” Helena said, nearly jumping out of her bed. There was another woman seated next to her, who held her as soon as she realised it was a nightmare.

“Sherry, we need to leave.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I need to get you somewhere safe.”

“Helena, you’re not making any sense.”

Helena clenched her fists and took a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll explain, but promise me you won’t freak out.”

“It’s okay, I promise.”

“I’m a witch, Sherry. And I just had a vision about a demon who will undoubtedly kill the two of us and this entire town unless I stop him.”

Sherry just sat there confused, her brows furrowing at Helena’s words. Helena sighed, swinging her hand and making the dressing table move. Sherry jumped off the bed and backed up against the wall.

“No, please don’t hurt me!”

“Sherry, I won’t hurt you, I promise. I’ve saved you twice during the past three months and erased your memories.”

Helena stretched out her arm towards Sherry and chanted. Suddenly, Sherry remembered what her friend was talking about.

“Do you believe me now?” Helena asked. Sherry couldn’t find the right words to say to her; she nodded as her body quivered.

“Thanks. We need to get you somewhere safe, because the demon’s after me.”

“Why is it after you?”

“You remember how my mom and sister died in a car accident? That was a lie. They died sealing this same demon in another realm.”

“Then how did it escape?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t have the time to figure that out. The demon was too strong to destroy even with my mom’s and sister’s powers combined; I need to stop it soon.”

“Then you’ll need my help.”

“Sherry, you don’t have any powers.”

“But I can help set up any traps you need to seal him away. Since you’re ready to stand against him alone, I’m guessing you have an idea on how to defeat it for good.”

“Yes, I do, but it’s complicated.”

“Please, let me help. My life’s also on the line, so I might as well help however I can.”

Helena was doubtful, but Sherry persuaded her to let her help. They left together to Helena’s parents’ house, which had been empty since her father passed away two years ago. There, they drew sigils on the ceiling as well as the walls, which Helena made invisible with a spell. They also brew a potion to make the demon lose consciousness, so that Helena could perform a spell to drain his powers and destroy him once and for all. Once the preparations were complete, Helena asked Sherry to hide in the basement and let her handle the demon. Sherry agreed and did as she asked.

An hour passed before the demon burst through one of the walls in a cloud of black smoke and leapt at Helena. However, he was forced to halt just a few feet away from her as Helena snapped her fingers, letting the invisible sigils reappear and glow in a bright red light. The demon struggled to break free, growling as he stared into Helena’s eyes.

Helena grabbed her potion bottle and took a step forward. “You won’t get your way.”

The demon smiled, looking behind her. “I’m not so sure about that.”

Helena turned around only to find her entire body go numb the second her eyes met Sherry’s. She fell to the floor that second, unable to lift a finger or even say a word as Sherry smiled and approached her.

“I’m sorry, Helena, but I’ve kept my own secrets, too. He’s my father.”

Helena’s eyes widened at the revelation. As Sherry took one more step towards her, Helena felt her eyes grow heavy and her body grow cold.


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