The ground broke beneath me, pulling me in as I clung to the ledge. “Help! Someone help!” I screamed as something grabbed my feet and started to pull me in.
“Take my hand,” said a voice from above. I looked up to find a stranger in ragged clothes crouched before me with his arm stretched out. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me out as the ground closed beneath me.
“Thank you for saving my life, sir,” I said.
“You’re welcome, miss. But you must keep away from this place,” he replied.
“Why…? Who are you exactly?”
“Ramzdon is no place for the living. As its gatekeeper, it’s my duty to make sure mortals keep away.”
“You are the gatekeeper?”
“Yes, although I’m relatively new.”
“Then you must know how a soul can be freed from it.”
The man’s eyes widened as he realised who I was. “You’re the survivor… I’m sorry, but there’s no way to bring your parents back. Just leave this place, please.”
“I'm sorry, but I can’t accept that.”
The man’s gaze was suddenly as piercing as the warning he then whispered. “Don’t meddle with things you don’t understand; the repercussions will be severe.”
I said nothing and walked away.
I went home and contemplated what to do next. The following day, I left for the forest again.
I hid and watched the gatekeeper leave with a towel on his shoulder. I then stood in the same spot as before and began calling out to my parents. A few minutes later, the ground beneath me cracked open like the night before.
I moved away to prevent myself from falling in as I continued to chant. I could see my parents float up to the surface, but as I tried to grab on to them, they were pulled right back in.
“Mom! Dad!” I screamed as I watched them sink.
“Honey, we love you, but you must stop trying to bring us back,” Mom said.
“You must move on with your life, Selene. Please, for us…” Dad said as they disappeared into the abyss.
“I told you not to return!” came a voice from behind me. I turned around and found the gatekeeper standing there; in his eyes was a hint of fury.
“I just wanted my parents back…” I felt my knees grow weak as tears began to well in my eyes.
“Behind you!” he suddenly yelled.
I turned around to find a hideous creature with grey skin, bulging black eyes, and thick, winding horns. I could only stand there, petrified, as the beast lunged at me. The gatekeeper sprung into action and pushed me away. The monster then grabbed him and fell back into the abyss. The ground sealed shut, leaving me alone in the deafening silence of the deep forest.
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