The Monster in the Library

As I walked into the library, I felt a pungent odour coming from the back. It smelt like rotting flesh and was beginning to make me nauseous. I closed the door behind me as I walked ahead, covering my nose with my hands, not knowing what to expect. At the entrance to the back, there was broken glass all over the floor. I walked around it and, as I reached the back, I saw a dead body lying on the floor with its hands covering his face. I recognised the body by the clothes it was in; it was Lawrence de Silva, the library’s security guard. ‘What happened here?’ I asked myself. The smell was even stronger there—almost unbearable. I looked around; there was a grubby beige backpack on the floor and some envelopes which looked like they contained letters. I walked to the front of the library and was about to call the police, but then I heard a noise. It came from between the book racks behind me. My heart began to race. I reached for my pepper spray as I turned around, b...