Descending Shadows: Defeated

With one final swing of my blade, I fell to the ground; and Nolan soon followed me as well as he lost the grip on his sword. I felt as if I had broken my promise and let everyone down, especially my little brother, whom I promised to always get back to. ‘With myself, and the two people I trust the most to be Jason's guardians, stuck here, who would be there for him?’ I wondered as I lay on the ground. I had never felt so defeated in my life. Some of the Serpians neared us, but came to a halt as they smelled the Zavaryan salt on our bodies. They growled in anger, realising that they couldn't touch us. One of them tried to pick up Nolan’s sword, but was instantly incinerated as even the hilts were infused with the Salt. With nothing to do, the Serpians left us laying there and retreated. But I could see from the corner of my eye that a couple of them were keeping watch from the distance. After some time had passed, Nolan and I noticed that the Serpians watching...