Descending Shadows: Sacrifice

“No, you leave her, you beast!” I yelled, hurrying towards the Serpian, but it disappeared into the portal, along with Arabella. I almost followed them in, when Nolan and Leslie grabbed me.

“Are you out of your mind?” Nolan asked.

“But what about Arabella?”

“There’s nothing you can do for her now… She’s gone. Think about your brother the next time you try something like that.”

“I know, I know, but I’m the one who got Arabella into this. This is my fault… If I hadn’t dragged her into this mess, she wouldn't have ended up in the Serpian world.”

“But we all would end up dead if we act recklessly, Moon,” Leslie said.

I knew she was correct, but sacrificing Arabella, even if it was for the greater good, didn't feel right to me. However, like it or not, we had to; we knew how strong the Serpians were, and how hard it was fighting them in our world… Fighting them in their own realm would be madness.

Yet, I still felt as if I had betrayed Arabella. I tried to push my feelings down as we left to track the rest of the Serpians. Some of them began to chase us as we led them to the portal, but they were too fast; we had to make a stand nearby and battle them. But as time progressed, we knew we had to act fast as this mission would bear the invasion of more Serpians rather than us banishing them back to their realm.

We managed to advance towards the portal as the battle continued, and some of them were being sucked into the portal while others held on to walls and pillars, not wanting to leave. We were slashing the ones trying to resist when a Serpian being dragged into the portal grabbed on to Leslie.

“Let go of me!” she yelled as she drew out her sword. But it was too late.

The portal closed as she faded into the world behind it, leaving behind her sword.

“No, Leslie!” I screamed in shock, dropping to my knees as Nolan slipped and fell as he rushed to where the portal was.

“No… Sis…” he said as his tears fell to the floor.


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