The Confession


I was working at an excavation site in Egypt when my team and I discovered a lost treasure. My new partner, John, didn’t seem to like me. We hadn’t met before, so I wondered what his reasons were. I was waiting by the vehicle for my partner to arrive to transport the treasure, but he was late. The last thing I remembered was me taking a few sips of water before I suddenly woke up in an underground tunnel. What was even more shocking was that I could see my body a few feet away from where I was.

“Am I dead? But how?”

I stood up and looked around. There was no one else around. I tried to remember what had happened before I ended up in that place. My memories were fuzzy, but I remembered John walking into me and knocking my bottle of water off my hands. He then offered me his bottle. He had drugged me.

I was not going to let John get away with what he did. I walked through the tunnel walls and found my way out of it. That night, I visited his hotel room. He walked into the bathroom while brushing his teeth only to catch me in the mirror, staring him down.

“Jenna?” he yelled, stumbling backwards until his back hit the wall. I shattered the mirror at once, driving him out of the bathroom in fear. John screamed and ran out of his room, calling for help. “She’s going to kill me,” he cried through the halls.

John was admitted to a psychiatric institution soon after. There too, I joined him. He would plead with the nurses not to leave him alone each time they visited, and each time, they would decline. I enjoyed watching him rot there, alone and afraid. He tried closing his eyes and pretending I wasn’t there, but I made sure he would see me all the time. At one point, he broke down and began to ask my forgiveness.

“Jenna, please forgive me. I was too greedy.”

“Forgive you? After what you did to me? Never! You’re going to rot here, and I’m going to watch.”

John kept pleading with me and I kept declining his offers. In desperation, he made one last plea that I could actually agree to. He said he would confess to murdering me. The following day, John told the police where he had hidden my body. He was soon sentenced to life in prison, and I was finally ready to move on.


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